Sunday, September 22, 2013

Republican Motherhood

1) What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
The Revolutionary War transitioned the women of America from housewives to the Republican motherhood. Because women could not directly enter the war, they needed to find other ways to help in the cause to freedom. One of these ways was raising their sons to grow up with good morals and grow up to be outstanding citizens of our nation. "She can operate far more efficiently in promoting the great interest of humanity by supervising her own household than in any other way" (Document A).

2) What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
Women received a better education because they needed to educate their children (Document B), and they gained more rights as individuals. It was up to the women to raise the men that would be able to make an impact on America. "On you, ladies, depends, in most important degree, the destiny of our country." People had a higher general respect for women because they knew that women were responsible for shaping society (Document D).

3) What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
The significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood on the process of women's socialization is that it gave women the right to become educated in multiple subject matters (Document B). Women were also expected to know and pass along republican ideals to their children. "The solidity and stability of the liberties of your country rests with you" it was believed that without women these beliefs would be no where near as significant (Document C).

Mary Gibson Tilghman and Her Sons by Charles Willson Peale (1789)

 1)Describe the setting.
 The setting of this portrait appears to be in a dimly lit room on a couch. The family looks to be upper class based on their clothing and furniture. 

2) Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?

Mary Gibson Tilghman is shown as the center of this portrait surrounded by her sons on her sides. This is done to show that she is in control of them. Mary looks very tranquil and graceful. She also appears to have a small smile which indicates that she is happy. Mary is a republican and not an aristocrat because her clothing is not flashy or overdone, and she is wearing little to no make-up.

3) What values do her sons exhibit?
Both sons appear to be rather young so the fact that they were able to sit still for a painting demonstrates their maturity for their age. They are also very well dresses and appear to be neat instead of messy. Their clothing is simple and not too extravagant.

4) Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?
Mrs. Tilghams arm is draped over her child. This shows the power and protection that she has over him. Perhaps this also demonstrates her influence over her children's future as a republican mother and educator.

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