Sunday, September 15, 2013

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

Summarize the Declaration of Independence in 3 parts (1. democratic principles, 2.list a handful of grievances, and 3. the conclusion)and then publish it on your blog as "LAD #3: Declaration of Independence."  Remember to include a related photo.

1) Democratic Principles
The Declaration of Independence completely modeled democratic view points. After living under the harsh rule of King George III,  the colonists wanted to form a government run for and by the people of America. The Declaration also mentioned every mans right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The writers also demonstrated the ideals of a democracy by including that  "all men are created equal".

2) Handful of Grievances
Along with establishing a government in America the colonists also wrote of the grievances they found against Britain, and King George III. They wrote about injustices such as: over taxing the colonies without their consent, making the colonists host soldiers in their homes, subjecting Americans to trial without the input of a jury, and cutting of American trade from the rest of the world.

3) Conclusion
The conclusion stated that America is its own independent state. It identified to Britain that the colonists were certain that they wanted to break away from their rule and establish their own government. America wished to trade with other countries and gain allies without an input from Britain. This section specifically brought the people of America closer together because of the nationalistic way in which it was written. 

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