Tuesday, September 17, 2013

LAD #4 Revolution Article

1) The Revolutionary War may not be as "famous" as the Civil War because of the way historians portrayed the two in the past and present.

2) Lincoln was able to help the Civil War live on in history because of his celebrated and well-known, Gettysburg Address. Whilst Washington was unable to produce a memorable quote about the harsh battles of the Revolutionary War.

3) Over 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War, which is more than any other war in American history. This number makes people look at the war as violent and powerful.

4) None of the seven most famous paintings created about the Revolutionary war (by William Trego) depicted the army, or Washington fighting in battle.

5) The Civil War was considered the first of the modern era. The camera was invented by the time of the war, allowing pictures to be taken of the dead or injured soldiers after battle. For this reason alone, there is far more awareness and understanding for the Civil War than the War of Independence.

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