Saturday, February 15, 2014

LAD #31

Wilson’s Fourteen Points:1. No more Secret Treaties2. Freedom of the Seas3. The Removal of Economic Barriers 4. Reduction of weapons5. Adjustment of colonial claims in the interest of the natives and colonizers6. Evacuation of all Russian territory 7. Evacuation of Belgium 8. French territory should be freed and restored and al of the wrongs done by Prussia pertaining to Alsace-Lorraine should be righted9. Adjustment of the boundary lines of Italy10. Austria-Hungary should be self-governing. 11. Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated. 12. The Turkish portion of the Ottoman Empire should rule and all other nationalities under Turkish rule should be self-governing.13. An independent Polish state should be created14. A league of Nations should be created to keep the peace and settle world disputes.

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