Monday, January 20, 2014

LAD #26

Martin Luther King Jr. starts his famous "I have a Dream" speech by comparing the situation in America at that time, to the Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, a time when African Americans were not free. He stated that Black people still being suppressed and that the segregation and discrimination of African Americans was not fair. There was no time like the present to fix the racial barriers in America, and MLK Jr. believed that it was time to take a stand. Therefore, the citizens of America, both black and white, must stick together in order to achieve a common goal. He thinks that the discrimination and prejudice has gone on for too long and it is now time for true freedom. The most famous part of this speech, however, is that  King talks about his hopes and dreams for the future in a time where people in America will live together in peace.

LAD #25 Dawes Act

The Dawes Act was set in place to send the Native Americans to multiple reservations around America. The president now had the power to split up the communal lands held by the different tribes and then give different shares to individual owners. Each person received different amounts of lands based on different factors such as gender, age, or family status. The US could now sell any Indian land to American settlers. The act also tried to make the Native Americans assimilate into American culture. However, the act did not include the 5 civilized tribes at the time. It also gave the government the right to build railroads through the Native American's new land. 

LAD #24 Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold speech is one of America's most famous speeches. William read this speech to a crowd at the Democratic nominating convention and he was very well spoken. He felt that gold and silver should be used to set a standard in currency, which is called bimetallism. This was a common argument between political parties during the time. This would also stop the deflation in America. After this speech was over  William Jennings Bryan was seen as a huge influence in this debate. 

LAD #23

The Populist Party was created and was against any effects that industrialism or big business had on America. They believed in democracy and that the government existed to help the people. They thought that people should be able to make their own wealth as well as be allowed to create labor unions. The Populist Party wanted the government to take control of all transportation in the U.S. and to reduce the power that the railroad companies held. Their major goals were to break up the power of big business for the benefit of all American citizens. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

LAD #22 McKinley's War Message

In 1898, President McKinley addressed Congress by demanding that the war with Cuba be ended. He stated multiple reasons that this war should end, the first one being that America end all barbiturates in Cuba because it is their duty. Next he urged that the proper help should be offered to the people of Cuba so that they may be protected and guaranteed life and property. Third he threatened that if we did not intervene then it would result in a decrease in trade, business, property, and land. Lastly, McKinley stated that this war was a severe threat to the freedom in America.