Monday, November 25, 2013

LAD #20

The Emancipation Proclamation starts by stating that all slaves in the South are now considered free by the Union. It also says that these former slaves will be held as free in the military. Within territories in the south (Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana,  Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia) and the north, slaves will be considered free from labor and servitude.

LAD #19

Lincoln starts his address by saying that there is actually less of a reason for a long speech than there was four years prior at his first inauguration. He then goes on to talk about his high hopes for America's future. He remembers his last speech and how the nation was worried about the impending Civil War. He states that during that speech there were people working towards dissolving the Union. Because 1/8 of the American population are slaves there was a ton of conflict between the north and the south. He talks about how it is in God's will to abolish slavery in America. Lincoln closes with saying that he will make sure the Union is put back together, and that America will live on as a whole nation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

LAD #18

In the case of Dred Scott versus Sanford, Dred Scott felt his rights were being violated and that he should have the same rights as other American men. Because he was from Illinois, a free state, he believed that he in turn should also be free. He was up against his owner, a white landowner named Sanford. However, Justice of the Court Roger B. Taney believed that Sanford should be the winner of this argument because in the constitution it shows that slaves are property. Thus, Dred Scott had no right to sue this court because he had no citizenship and therefore was considered the rightful property of Sanford.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

LAD #16 & LAD #17

Fredrick Douglass starts his speech by asking what right he has to talk about independance when the freedom in the Declaration of Independence wasn't extended to african americans. He then asks the question, "Who so stolid and selfish that would not give his voice to swell the hallelujahs of a nation's jubilee, when the chains of servitude had been torn from his limbs?" to which he responds "I am not that man". He claims that this is not his fourth of July because when white men received freedom, his people were still slaves. Other Americans should be ashamed instead of happy because of the sin of slavery. 

"Ain't I A Woman?" is speech by a black woman in America against the treatment she has received throughout her life. Just because she works in the fields or isn't as smart as white women, doesn't mean she should not receive the same respect. She also mentioned that God and a woman made christ and men had nothing to do with it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

LAD 14 & LAD 15

Inaugural Address-
President Lincoln focused his first inaugural address on the issue of slavery. He started by saying that the south should not feel threatened because he was not going to abolish slavery in those states. He made a point to mention how important it was to him that the states remain as a union. He stated that if states did begin to secede, then the nation might find itself in a civil war. However Lincoln said that if the issuer resulted in war he would do everything he could to keep the United States together.

Gettysburg Address-
The Gettysburg Address, one of Lincoln's most famous speeches, started off with President Lincoln thanking the soldiers who are still fighting, and the soldiers who had already lost their lives to the cause. He talked about the American government and how it should be run for the people. He also said that the American people should be grateful, and that they should use this as a reminder to fight for the union to stay together.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

LAD #13 Calhoun's Speech

Calhoun believed that the differences in opinion between the north and the south were causing sectionalism in America. He though that the largest divide was the issue of slavery, because the north was against it but the south was for it. He also stated that the north had gained more power than the south because of its larger population, and political and economic differences. Calhoun thought that the only way to stop a serious divide in the country, was for the north to give up some of their land to the south. This way the south would have a larger population and a greater influence on the federal government. Calhoun's ultimate goal was to protect and preserve the union.

LAD #12

Polk started out his war message by explaining the severe conflicts between the United States and Mexico. He states that America sent John Slidell into Mexican territory to possibly compromise with the Mexicans, however this was unsuccessful because they refused to negotiate with him. Polk discussed that there must be a border between Texas and Mexico, and he also talked about the Americans that were killed by the Mexicans. Polk set up a military line along the border of Texas, which the Mexicans wanted him to take down. Because Polk did not remove the troops, the Mexicans attacked and killed American soldiers. Polk summarizes by explaining that because of Mexico's actions America must go to war.

Monday, November 11, 2013

LAD #11 Seneca Falls Declaration

The Seneca Falls Declaration started out by saying that the rights for men that were given in the Declaration of Independence should also be applied to women. The declaration also listed grievances that American women have such as, they can't own property, they have no say in government, marriage takes away their rights, they cannot go to college or receive a higher education, and the lack of say they have in the Church. After these grievances were listed, the women went on to explain resolutions to these problems. Some of these resolutions stated that women had equal rights with men, all women should be able to address the public, and the freedom of women to speak and teach in all religious assemblies.